Javea Town Hall Rates For Home Owners

Town hall rates for homeowners are payable in two parts. The first of these is for household rubbish or “basuras” (residuos solidos) which is charged in February with a payment deadline in April. This covers the use of the communal trash bins in the streets, rubbish parks where you can also dispose of garden rubbish and also large rubbish collection, which if you need, you will have to contact the town hall directly to arrange pick up.

In addition, Javea provides the Ecoparc, a site on the Camí de les Sorts next to the dog rescue pound where you can take anything from paper to old beds! The town hall furthermore organises a regular service to clean the bins. Due to heat contamination, food waste should only be placed in bins between 8 pm and 8 am. These services are paid for out of basura contributions.

The second rates bill is known as the IBI (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles) or the property tax. This is issued in August and the payment deadline is October. The IBI is calculated depending on the size of your living space, and where applicable, the plot of land it is built on.

In addition you may be liable for an extra tax if you have a separate garage space in an apartment block. This is also issued in August.

If you have any queries about whether a bill has been paid, or if you are registered as the person liable to pay, you need to go to the Tesoro office in the Calle Major. Make sure you take your title deeds (escritura) and NIE number along with your passport. The staff here are exceptionally helpful, and some employees speak English.

Methods Of Payments For Local Town Hall Rates In Javea

  1. Cash: The town hall will post the bill to your Spanish address and you can take this to a number of specified banks to pay. Some banks will only accept these payments during certain hours on particular days, so make sure you check. La Caixa bank will accept town hall payments in their ATM machines using the bar code, which is convenient if you cannot get to the bank at the right time.
  2. Annual Direct Payment From Bank: Once you have the bill in your name you can set up a direct payment from your bank annually at the Tesoro office in the Calle Major.(This is known as a recibo domiciliado).
  3. Monthly Direct Debit: after you have paid a bill in your name you can arrange to have a “plan de pagos” which allows you to pay the amount due in instalments over 12 months. You must arrange to do this before the 31st of December for the following year. This is also organised at the Tesoro office in the Calle Major.

If payments are not paid within the set time you will be charged interest on the amount. To settle a bill with added interest you need to go to the Tesoro office.

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